The easiest way to manage your online order is with take-away.

You just need to have your orders ready, and your customers will come and pick them up at the restaurant. Easy right?

How does take-away works.

Take-Away means customer coming to pick up the order at your premises. You will be able to set the most convenient time slots for you and set a series of parameters such as the number of orders that can be managed in a given period of time. All features are designed to facilitate your work and your customers' needs.
Everyone's happy!

You can manage all settings by yourself.
You will be able to set specific timetables, service charges that you want to add to orders and set your own calendars.
In case you get very busy you will be able to manually block orders for a specific period of time and reactivate them as soon as you can accept them again.

With Kuokko everything is managed by yourself and can be changed and updated whenever you prefer.

real advantages for your activity

  • It improves the restaurant operations
  • It improves the customer experience
  • Sales rise
  • It boosts your business
  • It keeps you competitive.
  • Customer loyalty.

Contact us

We have a team of experts at your disposal to support you choosing the right solution for your needs.

+39 0438 1792279
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